Christmas Program Expands to Lebanon

The need is so great that there is no amount of private aid than can provide for the needs of the suffering Christians of Syria and Iraq. We have been doing what we can and have helped to deliver several sea going containers of food and clothing this year. That is a drop in the bucket, as there are hundreds of thousands of Christian refugees

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Islamists Capture Iraq’s Largest Christian Town As Thousands Flee Genocide

Jihadists seized Iraq’s largest Christian town and surrounding areas Thursday, sending tens of thousands of panicked residents fleeing in what is being called a humanitarian disaster, officials and witnesses said. The onslaught saw the Sunni extremist Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) extend its writ over northern Iraq and move within striking distance of autonomous Kurdistan, in one of the most dramatic developments of the two month-old conflict.

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Syria: More than just a civil war

The monastery of St Sergius is dedicated to a Roman officer (Sergius) who was martyred in the fourth century, for refusing to renounce his Christian faith. The monastery, built of stone during the fourth century, was damaged in battles but still stands. Unfortunately the inside of the buildings were looted and defiled by the Islamic fighters

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Father Keith Roderick – Defender of the faith and the oppressed

The Very Reverend Keith Roderick, our brother in the Lord and a member of the Board of Directors of the Religious Freedom Coalition, has passed away. Father Keith, as most called him, died in his sleep at home at age 61 greatly to be missed by the oppressed of this world. He will be missed by many around the world. Father Keith was an operating director or the Christmas for Refugee program.

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